How do I login to the Kortext app?
Last Updated: 28.Feb.2024 Views: 446

Kortext have recently introduced a way to sign-in to their apps via the University generic 'Institutional' sign in. If you don't see this option on your device, please check your app store for any updates you need to install.

Follow the steps below to login to your Kortext (app) account:

  1. Download and open the Kortext app on your device.
  2. Enter your University email address and press 'Next'. It is not possible to use a personal email address or the 'Continue as Guest' option to access our Library-subscribed titles.
  3. You should now see an option to 'Sign in through your institution - University of Wolverhampton'. Press it.
  4. This will link you to the generic University 'Sign in' page. 
  5. Enter your University email address and IT password; you may be asked for your second factor code to complete the process. Our linked FAQ 'How do I login to Library resources?' contains more information.
  6. Done!

Don't see any books in the app?

  • If you have already opened Library-subscribed Kortext book(s) online, they may appear on your app home screen automatically. If not, look for an option to 'Refresh' the Bookshelf.
  • If you haven't opened any Library-subscribed Kortext books online yet, you will first need to locate them either from your reading list in Canvas or from the LibrarySearch catalogue. The linked FAQs below have more details on how to do this.
  • Please note: not all books that appear in reading lists will be available from Kortext. Please contact the Library if you need advice about access to a specific title.