How do I access the items on my reading list?
Last Updated: 01.Aug.2024 Views: 986

Your tutor has put together a collection of resources to support your study of the module. You can find these in the Canvas page for the module course code under the 'Reading List' link.

If you are unsure how to find your list, please see our FAQ 'Where can I find my reading list?'

It is up to your tutor to decide what they want you to read so each list can contain different types of Library materials.

Popular formats include: print books, eBooks, journal articles, Journal Titles and Library databases (for you to search for articles in) and useful websites. There may even be online access to book chapters and articles that are only available for your class to read via the list.

  • If the resource is available online you will see a 'View online' link.
  • Print material will be indicated by wording about 'Availability' and a physical Library location.


For example, the image shows three different situations:

  1. Foundations of organic chemistry by Hornby is only available in a print format - indicated by the text 'Check holdings' but no 'View online' link
  2. An introduction to medicinal chemistry by Patrick is available in both formats - there is a 'View online' link for the eBook as well as text showing it is 'Available at Harrison Library...'
  3. Rang and Dale's pharmacology by Ritter is only available online - there is just a 'View online' link for the eBook

reading list link opened to show three books

How do I view online resources?

  • To view online resources you can either click:
  1. the 'View online' link, or 
  2. directly on the entry within the list to open up the full information about that item: sometimes there will be more than one link for the same item so you can choose which one to click
  • You should then be able to see the item on your screen
  • If you are prompted to login to the 'Sign in' page to access a library resource, use your University email address and your usual IT password. For further advice please see our FAQ 'How do I login to Library resources?'

How do I find print items?

The wording about 'Availability' on the item in your list gives you all the information you need. For example, the text: "Available at Harrison Library Main Collection : 615.19 PAT and more locations" for the book An introduction to medicinal chemistry by Patrick tells you it is:

  • Available = currently on the shelf
  • at Harrison Library = the Library at City Campus
  • Main Collection = the main bookshelves, rather than a specific collection such as 'Study Skills'
  • 615.19 PAT = the exact Dewey Decimal number assigned to the book so you can find it on the shelf. To read more about this please see the FAQ 'How does the Library organise its books?'
  • and more locations = there are copies at other Libraries or locations in the Harrison Library - you will need to click directly on the entry within the list to open up the full information about the item to see the other locations

If you need help to locate a book on the shelf when you are in the Library, please ask a member of staff and we will be happy to show you.

What if the print book is already on loan or I can't get to the Library where it is on the shelf?

You can use the Request function and the book will be transported to the Campus Library of your choice - Harrison, Walsall or Hutchison at Telford - when it is available. Click directly on the entry within the list to open up the full information about the item to see the Request option. Please see our FAQ about the Request process for more information.

What do I do if I can't access an item in my list or there are no links/print item information?

You can report the problem to the Library via your list:

  • Click on the item to open up the full information section
  • Click the ellipsis/three dots ... menu on the 'Links & Availability' section
  • Choose the 'Mark as broken' option
  • This will give you a text box where you can describe the problem and upload any screenshots e.g. if you are seeing an error message it can be helpful if you can show us exactly what you see
  • Click 'Confirm' when you are ready, and the Library will be alerted to investigate the problem