How do I login to library resources?
Last Updated: 13.May.2024 Views: 1053

When you click on a link to an 'available online' electronic resource from the LibrarySearch catalogue, the Databases A-Z / Subject Resources pages or a 'View online' item in your Canvas Reading List menu, you may be prompted to log in.

You will see the same 'Sign in' screen as for Canvas, myWLV and your University Outlook email.

Please use your University email address and IT password. You may be asked for your second factor code to complete the login.


sign in prompt for electronic resource access

Problems logging in? Common issues and how to resolve them:

  • Can you log on to Canvas or your University outlook emails? - If not, there may be a problem with your University IT account. Please contact the IT Service Desk immediately. You can also try resetting your password. Please note: your e:Vision login may not be the same as your IT login.
  • If you can access other University systems, e.g. Canvas, with your University IT account, try opening the Library resource in a different internet browser. We can't recommend one over another as they have all been reported with glitches over time, but if Edge or Safari don't work then try Chrome or Firefox and see if it helps. 
  • If you are a new member of staff or are on a temporary, VL or TNE contract you may have a non-standard IT account that has electronic resource access disabled by default. If you cannot access any online resource provided by the Library, it means you do not have the required permissions. Please contact the IT Service Desk to check if you have the 'Athens flag' or not.

  • If you are a new student in the process of enrolling onto your course via e:Vision, you may not have access to online library resources until you have completed all the required stages. Unfortunately this might mean you will not have access to pre-reading in Canvas (if the item is a library-subscribed resource) until you complete your enrolment.
  • Did you find the resource via Google/Canvas rather than a Library/Reading List link? If you went directly to a website available on the wider internet you will need to find the option to log in on their page. It may be called any of the following:

Shibboleth login
Institutional login
Log in via your institution
OpenAthens login

You should be asked what institution you are from - just find University of Wolverhampton in their list and follow the instructions.

Please note: Just because you can see our University listed as a login option it does NOT automatically mean you will be able to access everything in full text on the site you are on. If you found the link via Google, and the above route does not allow access you might be trying to access something the Library does not subscribe to, or we may have access via another platform. Please try to locate the item on the LibrarySearch catalogue or databases a-z list to check for access.


If you see an error message, have a problem not covered above or need assistance checking for access to a specific source, please contact the Library.