Why am I seeing an "Access denied" or "restrictive mode enabled" message when I try to login to an online resource?
Last Updated: 24.Jan.2024 Views: 1410

The five most common reasons why this error message appears are:

  1. You have found an item via a Google/Google Scholar search and it isn't able to link to the Library access correctly

  2. You are attempting to login to something that the University Library does not subscribe to

  3. You are trying to access a web site that isn't able to use the generic Institutional login - for example "RefWorks" and "eLearning for Health" require you to sign up for an account

  4. You have a personal or work-provided (e.g. NHS) individual Open Athens account and it is conflicting with our Library access - try using a different Internet browser, and / or clearing your cookies / temporary internet files

  5. STAFF only : You are a new Visiting Lecturer, work with one of our partner organisations, or have some sort of non-standard employment contract - if you are unable to login to ANY Library resource please see our linked FAQ for advice: 'Academic staff - my access to online journal articles is restricted, why?'

What can I do to get access?

That depends on the exact resource you are trying to use.

  • The first thing to check is whether the Library provides access to the resource or not. Have a look at our Databases A-Z page and/or the LibrarySearch catalogue to see if you can locate the book, journal title, journal article, database name or web site.
  • If you can see a link to the item, click on it and you should be prompted to login the 'correct' way instead of via the Open Athens page. Please see our linked FAQ for more information on how this works: 'How do I login to Library resources?' If you cannot see what you are looking for, it is likely the Library does not provide access to it.
  • If you would like any help to check for access to an item, please contact the Library via Assist Library chat or email. Please ensure you give us the exact details of the item you are trying to access e.g. journal article, book or database title and we will be able to advise.

What does the error page look like?

An image of the error is included below. The page says:

  • "Sorry, access to this resource has been restricted - If you believe that you should have access to this resource please contact your administrator using the button below".
  • If you click on the 'Contact your institution' button, you will see the option to contact the Library via email and a link to our FAQ web page.
  • If you click on the 'Error details' link, it will say: "Access denied.... restrictive mode is currently enabled and [your student/staff number] has not been granted access to...."

access to resource is restricted open athens error