Can I access my reading list before my course starts?
Last Updated: 03.Jan.2024 Views: 232

The answer to this question is 'maybe'.

  1. Your full reading list is part of the Canvas course for each module you are enrolled on.
  2. The Canvas course has to be published by your Module Leader before you can view it, which may not happen until the start of teaching.
  3. If you are one of our online Masters students, your Canvas course will only ever be published on the day each module launches. There is no way to access the FULL list in advance, but see point 5 below.
  4. If you have been advised by a lecturer that your list should be available to view in advance but you cannot see the module on your Canvas dashboard, please check you have completed your enrolment onto the module via e:Vision and/or contact that lecturer for advice.
  5. A work-around is to try using the LibrarySearch catalogue to view the recommended books for the module. Enter the module code into the search box and if a list has been published for the current academic year then the catalogue will display the books in it. A module code consists of numbers and letters and is typically 6 characters long, e.g. 3HW003, 4CN035, 5AB032, 6HR006 or 7BU009.

Please note there are limitations to the information the catalogue can show you:

  • it can only display Books, so any Journal Titles, individual Journal Articles, items digitised just for that module, websites or other resources in the full list will not appear
  • it does not indicate which of the Books are Essential reading or just background reading, so you won't know which titles to prioritise using
  • the list might still be in the process of being updated by your lecturers so the Books it displays may not be up-to-date
  • the list might not have any Books on it, in which case there will be no results found by the catalogue!
  • the list might not have been published yet, which will also show as no results found