Why hasn't my Library book renewed?
Last Updated: 30.Sep.2022 Views: 133

There are various reasons why a book you've borrowed from the Library has not renewed automatically or has stopped renewing:

  • Someone has requested the book so it needs to be returned.
  • You have an overdue recalled book - this will prevent any other items you have from renewing.
  • You have £25 or more in library fines. You need to pay some of your fines to reduce them below £25.
  • You have had the book for a year; please bring it into the library so that it can be re-issued to you.
  • It is an Inter-Library Loan from the British Library or another institution.
  • Your Library access is ending e.g. you’ve graduated, or there is a break in your enrolment.

If you have any questions about books on your account, please contact the Library.