What happens to my Library access when I finish my course?
Last Updated: 05.Oct.2023 Views: 239

All graduates are able to borrow print items from the Library up to 90 days after the completion of their course.

  • For example, if you complete your exams in May, then you will be able to borrow books through to August.
  • Once your Library account expires, you will receive notifications to your University Outlook email address asking you to return any books still on your account. Please note you will not be able to login to your Library My Account online to view the due date of books once your account expires, but the automated emails will contain the due date by which your items need to be returned.
  • It is not possible to extend the expiry date on your Library account or renew your books beyond the due date, even if you intend to start a new course. Please return your items to the Library. This is because your account is linked to your course end date in e:Vision. As soon as you re-enrol on the new course, your Library account will re-activate automatically for you to borrow books again.

What about access to online resources?

  • Access to online resources (electronic databases, eBooks and journals) is different. You will have full access to these for as long as your University IT account is active. There is no standard cut-off date; but is usually a minimum of 3 months from when you graduate. Please see the FAQ 'I'm a graduate of the University, can I have access to the online resources?' for more detail.

Is there any access for Alumni?

Can Alumni use the PCs and printers?

  • No, unfortunately this is not possible. Only students with a current IT account may login and print.
  • If you believe you have print credit remaining and your IT account has expired, please contact the Cashiers office. More information is in the linked FAQ.