Is there a list of recommended Journals for my subject?
Last Updated: 09.Nov.2022 Views: 98

The library does not have a list of the "best" Journals to use but there are a couple of places to look that may help you.

  • Your lecturers may have recommended specific Journal Titles in the Reading List for your module so please check your list in Canvas. The linked FAQ 'Where can I find my reading list?' explains more.
  • If you want to see any titles that may be of use, it is possible to browse our full collection of Journals by subject. There are two ways to do this.

  1. The LibrarySearch catalogue contains an a-z list of Journals by category.

You can find the link to the Journal Search on the Library web page 'Subject Resources'.

Choose one of the subjects from the list under the heading 'Journals by category'. Subjects are displayed in alphabetical order.

image of library catalogue page with option to browse journals


For example, click 'Business & Economics' and this will display the first page of matching titles as well as a list of sub-categories (topics) on the left.

You can use these new categories to focus the results even further into one specific aspect. For example, Finance or Management have their own sub-categories.

image of journal titles within business & economics category


When you see a title you would like to look at, use the Available Online link (if available) to be taken to the Journal.

  1. BrowZine Journal Library  image of browzine link on the library catalogue home page

Accessible directly from the LibrarySearch homepage, you can use this to browse our collection of Journals by subject or search for a specific title or ISSN.

Please note the following limitations:

  1. it is not possible to search inside of the journals for individual articles
  2. not all Journal publishers allow direct online linking to their titles
  3. it will only find ONLINE journals; some key journal titles are only available in print format in the campus libraries

More information on how to use BrowZine can be found on the Library web page