How to connect to Eduroam - Mac OS Last Updated: 25.Nov.2024 Views: 120
How to connect to Eduroam - Mac OS
Last Updated: 25.Nov.2024 Views: 120
The following information will help you troubleshoot connections to Eduroam on student personal Mac devices.
- From the Airport Network Icon on the Menubar, select GuestUoW. On newer versions of MacOS, you may need to click on Other Networks first.
- Open a browser and visit the Guest Login Page (eg, this will take you to the T&Cs for GuestUoW. Read and accept these.
- This network allows you to sign in using your Google account details or your Facebook sign in details. You can also use a different email address, but you will be asked to check this email account for a confirmation email.
- You will be given access to the network for 5 minutes in order to receive and access a confirmation email. Open the email and click on the registration link. You must verify this email address using the same device you are trying to connect to the guest Wi-Fi.
- In a browser, go to
- Continue to follow the steps to download the software. This will download as a Network Profile into System Preferences or System Settings
- Open the downloaded profile, and when prompted, enter your student email address into this window, and your IT Account password.
- The computer will authenticate on the network, and check that you are a valid user.
- From the Airport Menu in the Menubar, disconnect from GuestUoW, and connect to Eduroam.
- If successful, the network will be shown with a blue icon and the signal strength.
Not asked for login details, then fails to connect.
The machine may already have incorrect details saved, and these will need to be removed.
- From the Airport Network Icon, select Wi-Fi Settings.
- Click on Wi-Fi on the left hand side, and Advanced on the right.
- Click on Eduroam in the known network list, and click the three dots from the menu, choose 'Remove from List'.
- You will now be asked for your details when you reconnect to Eduroam.
Fails to connect, with known correct details
Your IT account may be locked. Please contact Digital Services to check, and unlock, if required.
If you are still unable to connect your device - please contact Digital Services and advise what steps you have taken and ask if they can provide any further assistance.
Digital Services can be contacted on 01902 322000 or x2000.
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