I've reserved a VLe eBook, how do I access it when it is ready? Last Updated: 29.Jun.2023 Views: 397
You will receive an email from VLebooks.com when your turn in the reservation queue is ready. It will say:
"You reserved "Title of Book" it is now available to you. It has been added to your My Reservations bookshelf.
You have until "Date and time [e.g. Nov 26 2021 3:45AM]" to collect your reservation, please ensure you access this title before then."
- open the book only when you are ready to use it, or it can cause a problem
- you have just 12 hours from the time of the VLe email to access the book before your request will automatically expire - if you are late the next person in the queue will be alerted that it is available to them; if you want the book you will have to re-request it (and join the back of the queue).
How do I open the book?
When you get the email, go to www.vlebooks.com and sign in. The 'Login using Account' option doesn't work for our organisation so please use the Shibboleth option and search for the University of Wolverhampton to prompt the correct University login box to appear.
- Login as usual using your university email address/student no and IT password
- It may pop up with a notification that the book is ready for you - if so, press ‘Confirm’
- Click on ‘My Bookshelves’ and then ‘My Reservations’ to see your waiting request (ignore the 'My Requests' option as that is something else)
- Click on the book title or 'Full Details' box to go to the book main page then use the Read Online option; it is best to ignore the Download option
As with other online library resources, we would recommend using the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers.
What does the page look like on VLe?
The images below illustrate the process from step 4 above.
My Bookshelves > My Reservations > list of reserved titles > click on title or 'Full Details' box
Is there anything else I need to know?
- You can check on the progress of your reservations at any time by going to the My Account section in VLe and opening the Reservations tab.
- This will tell you when you placed the reservation, whether it is ready and allow you to cancel if you no longer need to read it.
- It is not usually possible to access books that are ready for you from this page, please follow the steps above.
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