Can I use the University of Wolverhampton Library if I'm a student at a different university?
Last Updated: 27.Mar.2024 Views: 242

You may be able to use our library if you are a student from a different university if your home institution is part of the SCONUL Access scheme


SCONUL Access is a reciprocal scheme that enables students from member institutions to access libraries of other member institutions. 

To find out more, please contact your home institution library who will be able to advise you further.

You can also view the SCONUL Access pages to see if your institution is listed as a member. If they are, you should be able to register for access which your home institution will then process on your behalf. 


As a visiting member of the SCONUL Access scheme you will be able to:

  • access the open study spaces in our libraries during our opening hours
  • bring your own devices to connect to our Eduroam WiFi network
  • have reference access to our print collections
  • borrow up to 5 print books if you are in Access band A, B or C


As a visiting member of the SCONUL Access scheme you will not be able to:

  • use the PCs or laptops
  • use our online Library resources such as eBooks and journal articles
  • use any of the bookable study spaces
  • borrow items if you are in Access band R


Our library staff may be able to offer general support to you when visiting our libraries but will prioritise supporting UoW students and staff

Please remember access granted under the Scheme is a privilege and not a right.