How do I check-in to my room booking?
Last Updated: 24.Oct.2022 Views: 635

You will need to check in once you have arrived for your booking. You will need to check-in within 30 minutes of your booking start time. If you don’t check-in, your booking will be cancelled and other students will be able to book the space. Every room and space will have a unique QR code for you to use when checking in.

Example Check in QR poster

example check-in QR code

  • Your booking confirmation and reminder emails will have a link to check-in for your booking
  • you can either scan the QR code located within the space/room or click the link in the email  
  • You will then be taken to the check-in page, where you will need to enter the code in your confirmation email and click Check-in
  • Once you have checked in, a confirmation message will show
  • You have the option to check out of your booking if you finish earlier than planned. You can do this by clicking Check out. By doing this, it enables the system to free up some of that time slot for others to book

If you can't find the confirmation email, here are some tips:

  • The email will be sent to your University Email Address.
  • Please check your Spam Folder and 'Other' Inbox, if you have focus mode enabled.
  • Using the email search, the sender will be
  • If you still are unable to find the confirmation email, please contact us, via Assist prior to the booking, or at the helpdesk if you are due to start the booking.