How long can I borrow a laptop for and can I renew a laptop?
Last Updated: 30.Sep.2022 Views: 239

You can borrow a laptop for up to 30 days - it then needs to be returned to the library.

  • Laptops need to be returned by their due date, as we cannot renew them. If you are concerned about not being able to return the laptop on time, please contact the library.
  • If you still need a laptop after 30 days, you will need to return the laptop and then make a new request.
  • Administrative fees of up to £40 will be charged if a laptop is returned late.
  • If you do not return the laptop, or damage it, the University reserves the right to charge you up to the full value of the laptop.

For further information on the Laptop Loan scheme, including the terms and conditions of the loan, please use the link below