How do I reference a journal article that doesn't have volume/issue information? (Harvard style) Last Updated: 05.Aug.2022 Views: 1955
It is becoming increasingly common for journal articles to be made available online before they appear in the final print version of the journal. Such articles may be flagged as 'Online first' or 'Article In Press', and because the print version hasn't been finalised this can mean that volume, issue and page numbers have yet to be assigned.
At the time of writing, Cite Them Right offers the following guidance for referencing these items in Harvard style:
- Author
- Year (in round brackets)
- Title of article (in single quotation marks)
- To be published in (if this is stated)
- Title of journal (in italics, if stated)
- Volume and issue numbers (if stated)
- [Version]
- Available at: DOI or URL (Accessed: date)
The key aspects to note are that...
- The words To be published in appear before the journal title (but only if stated on the version you're using)
- Information about the [version/format] you have used is included in square brackets, either directly after any volume/issue/page information or in place of those details if they are missing.
- You should use the document's own information about the version/format where available e.g. 'Accepted author manuscript'.
- If the version you've used is likely to be subject to change, it is advisable to include an (Accessed: date) at the end of your reference list entry even if you've given a doi as opposed to a URL.
If you are unsure how to write the reference, please contact the Library for advice.
In-text citation
New research by Dong and Kokotsaki (2021) ...
A recent study by Saunders et al. (2020)...
Reference list
Dong, L. and Kokotsaki, D. (2021) ‘Music achievements of being an English chorister’. To be published in British Journal of Music Education [Peer-reviewed accepted version]. Available at: (Accessed: 31 May 2021).
Saunders, R., Wood, E., Coleman, A., Gullick, K., Graham, R. and Seaman, K. (2020) 'Emergencies within hospital wards: An observational study of the non-technical skills of medical emergency teams'. To be published in Australasian Emergency Care [In press, corrected proof]. Available at: https://doi:10.1016/j.auec.2020.07.003.
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