Does the Library have access to the Nursing Standard journal?
Last Updated: 17.Mar.2023 Views: 55

Yes, we do provide access to the Nursing Standard journal.

If you are looking for the full text of a specific article from this Journal, where and how you access it depends on the year it was published.

To find out the current Library access please follow these steps, the exact details as shown here could change over time:

  1. Type Nursing Standard into the LibrarySearch catalogue search box.
  2. Change the drop-down list from 'Search everything' to 'Journals'.

catalogue search box with drop down menu changed to Journals

  1. Press enter.
  2. The catalogue will display all matching results.
  3. The first result should be an entry for the online version, indicated by the text Available online.
  4. A summary of which years are available in full text will appear in the (Coverage) section, i.e. "1998 to 2013" plus "From 2014". Which means the Library subscription does not include any articles published before April 1998. 
  5. To access the online version, click on the Title link and scroll down to the 'View Online' section where you can choose whether to look in the older issues in the Nursing & Allied Health Database or the more recent ones via the Royal College of Nursing (RCNi) site - just click on the one you want to go to.
  1. The second result on the catalogue search should be an entry for the print/physical copies, indicated by the text Available at Harrison Library... and other locations.

catalogue result showing print holdings for journal

  1. Click on the Title link to open the full catalogue record.
  2. Scroll down the page to the 'Find in Library' section then click on a Library location to see the full details. For example, Walsall Library has print copies of volume 17 to volume 27.

image of catalogue record showing harrison and walsall library have print copies of journal  image showing walsall library print holdings of journal

  1. To access the print copies you need to make a note of their location on the shelf so you can find them - e.g. Periodical Collection 610 - and then visit the Library.