How do I find out what the full title of a Journal is when its abbreviated online?
Last Updated: 17.Mar.2023 Views: 95

It is common practice for scientific and legal journals to shorten their titles.

Your referencing style - such as Cite Them Right Harvard - may require you to write the journal title in full rather than the abbreviation shown on the article. There are several things you can try to locate it:


1. Check the LibrarySearch catalogue for the article - if it finds a record it will usually contain the full details:


2. Legal publications can most easily be checked on the Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations. Enter the abbreviation in the search box and it will tell you the matching title(s):



3. Other publications may hide the full journal title under the abbreviation on the webpage - if there is a link, see what you can find on that page.

For example, this article on PubMed Central shows an abbreviated journal title of Int J Environ Res Public Health, but if you hover over the abbreviated journal title, it shows you the full title in a pop out box:



4. If that does not help, look around the page for a 'Cite this' or similar wording option.

This will often display all the elements of the article citation in different referencing styles.

While this will not usually match the Cite Them Right Harvard stye, it will often have at least one example which will give the full title:










If you have any problems finding titles, please contact the Library.