Where can I access past dissertations or Theses?
Last Updated: 22.Jul.2024 Views: 536

A very limited range of hard copy Masters dissertations and doctoral theses are kept in our Harrison, Walsall and Telford libraries; these are for reference use only so cannot be taken out of the library, and are intended to give only a general idea of the required layout and structure. Please ask in the Library if you need help finding them.

As these hard copies are typically quite old, you could also consider exploring the following online databases:


WIRE - the University of Wolverhampton's online research repository.

  • Most items in the 'Theses and Dissertations' section are doctoral level
  • Please note that items may be subject to publisher embargo which can restrict access to the full text


EThOS - from the British Library.

  • Doctoral theses from UK Higher Education institutions
  • Free registration required before you can access full text of available items
  • Not all institutions participate in EThos; some theses will be record/abstract-only, but we may be able to try and borrow a physical copy from the awarding institution. Please see our FAQ about Inter-Library Loans for more information