Where can I find newspapers?
Last Updated: 16.Apr.2024 Views: 135

The most complete listing of our historic newspaper database access can be found on the History Subject Resources page. These include periodicals from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, along with our subscriptions to the Times Digital Archive and the Guardian & Observer Archive. 

For current newspapers we would recommend you try ProQuest Newsstream and/or the News section within Lexis Library. Both databases include coverage of many of the daily broadsheets and tabloids along with some regional titles.

Note: to access the newspaper section on Lexis Library, click the Newspapers link (under the Content heading on the main Lexis homepage) as shown below.

click the newspapers link on the lexis home page


You can then search all news sources or browse through the list of titles in each category. 

search in all papers or choose a category of newspapers to see the list of titles

If require help using any of the newspaper databases, please contact the Library.