I've found something on the library catalogue which says "Not in library stock" or "Check for available services". What does that mean?
Last Updated: 17.Mar.2023 Views: 209

If you have found something on the LibrarySearch catalogue which has either of these statuses, it means that we do not have that item as part of our collections - i.e. we do not have it at all - rather than the item just being out on loan (in which case the message would say 'Not Available' or 'Out of library' instead)

If you need an item that isn't part of library stock, you may be eligible to request it via the Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service - see our web page or our ILL FAQ below for more information.


image of article on librarysearch catalogue with the status 'not in library stock'


image of article result on librarysearch catalogue with status 'check for available services'


Typically these messages will only appear if you:

a) have followed a link from a subject database or website where you have opted to "check for full text" or "get access" (wording varies between sites)image of Include items not in library stock option

b) specifically used the 'Include items not in library stock' option on the LibrarySearch catalogue to display items beyond what we have in the library holdings. It can sometimes be useful for making yourself aware of other sources that may exist, but you would avoid using it if you specifically need items that the library does own.


If you are seeing items with the "Not in library stock" or "Check for available services" message and have not done either of those things, it could occasionally indicate a problem with our catalogue record. You could try searching the catalogue again for the specific book or journal title to check for alternate access/links.

Please contact the Library if you have any questions about an item and we will be able to check.