I’d like to use this source, but how do I know if it is academic/credible?
Last Updated: 27.Sep.2024 Views: 243

It is your responsibility to decide if the item you have found is suitable to be used in your academic work.

Due to Academic Integrity reasons, Library staff are not able to decide for you if a source is credible or not.


The CARS model is one way of testing the reliability and accuracy of a source. CARS stands for:

  • Credibility
  • Accuracy
  • Reasonableness
  • Source

There are a range of Study Guides on our Skills for Learning web pages including a Guide to Evaluating Information which explains the CARS model in more detail. Of particular note is if a source is undated then there is no way of knowing if it contains accurate information.


Further information on the subject is available:

  • There are a lot of Study Skills books you can read on the subject (print and online) available via LibrarySearch. Try a search for keywords such as: analysing sources / critiquing sources / source evaluation / evaluation tools / evaluation models.