Where does an appendix go in my assignment?
Last Updated: 09.Apr.2022 Views: 1352

You should always check with your tutor in case they have any specific preferences, but as a general rule the appendix (plural = appendices) goes after the reference list or bibliography in your assignment. This places it as the last thing within your assignment. 

Appendices should only be used to give supplementary information i.e. data or details that aren’t essential to your work but which could provide useful context or background material. These may include figures/tables/charts/graphs of results, statistics, questionnaires, transcripts of interviews, pictures, lengthy derivations of equations, maps, drawings, letters, specification or data sheets, or computer program information.

Appendices should not be used as a means to reduce your word count. Any points which are critical to your argument need to be in the main body of your work otherwise they may not be marked.

When adding an appendix, each separate item should be labelled with a letter or number, along with a title or caption (Appendix A: Questionnaire Responses, Appendix B: Test Results, etc.) If the information included in your appendix has come from another source, please remember to include appropriate citations and ensure the full reference details appear in a reference list or bibliography. Works cited in appendices, but not in the main body of your text, should be included in a separate reference list at the end of your appendix.

In the main body of your essay, you should indicate when you’re referring to an appendix by citing it. For example: The interviews show that most students find academic writing difficult to begin with (see Appendix D for full transcripts).